uma desconstrução de estereótipos através do humor

  • Vanessa Nascimento dos Santos de Oliveira Universidade Estadual do Amazonas


This article addresses a reflection on the sign language in the historicity of deafness, bringing this reality to Brazil, with the regulation of the official language of the deaf residents in Brazil, establishing the cultural artifacts of the deaf people, who are within the deaf community that have positively implanted in Brazil in the last decades, demystifying pejorative connotations that try to diminish the deaf users of the language. The CODA, acronym of the American acronym Children of Deaf Adults, that is, they are the Children of Deaf Parents, with the general objective of the study to analyze the effects of meaning in the speeches  present in the strips of  That Deaf Guy, addressing the deconstruction of pre-established ideas about stereotypes and prejudices against deaf people, children  of  the deaf and  sign language. The  corpus has  the  strips of  That Deaf Guy, by Matt  and Kay  Daigle and  its  specific  objectives are to present stereotypes, observe the images  that are created by deconstructing stereotypes  and   investigate the  humor  present  in  the  strips  of That Deaf Guy. The analysis of the collected data will be based on the theoretical-methodological framework of Discourse Analysis of French line. Thus, the research sought to show the humor present in the comic strip, and whether deconstruction ends up contributing to the emergence of other stereotypes of pre-established ideas, with meanings produced in the face of the places occupied by the interlocuting subjects.


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How to Cite
Nascimento dos Santos de Oliveira, V. (2023). THE EFFECTS OF SENSE ON COMIC STRIPES: A DECONSTRUCTION OF STEREOTYPES THROUGH HUMOR. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (16).