a perspectiva de um currículo decolonial

  • Simone Viapiana Universidade de Caxias do Sul, Caxias do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil
  • Geraldo Antônio da Rosa
  • Manuela Damiani Poletti


 This article aims to reflect on the teaching of Portuguese as a Welcoming Language from the point of view of decoloniality and how this attitude can give new meaning to the teaching of this language at a time of so many migratory movements. Language is a form of power and real insertion into society. Mastering a language can make the subject act critically in the community in which they are immersed and move. When it comes to an additional language, acquired as a welcoming language for immigrants and refugees, this is even more important. Mastering this language will guarantee not only a new way for the subject to act in society, but also the possibility for them to inhabit, to put down roots in a new place, acting as a citizen in the essence that this term evokes. In this way, there is an urgent need to rethink the Portuguese language as a Welcoming Language from a perspective that, in fact, welcomes plurality, moving away from teaching that conceives of social and cultural structures as hegemonic and Eurocentric in order to break away from what may still be a coloniality of knowledge, being and power, concepts proposed by the Modernity/Coloniality Group (M/C) at the end of the 1990´s. The study highlights that decoloniality is a promising starting point for a more critical way of thinking about teaching, which, on a large scale, can satisfactorily imply more significant learning processes.


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How to Cite
Viapiana, S., Antônio da Rosa, G., & Damiani Poletti, M. (2024). Um NOVO OLHAR SOBRE O ENSINO DE PLAC:. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 22(22).