breves reflexões

  • Paulo Henrique Rodrigues Univás
  • Joelma Pereira de Faria Nogueira
  • Cássio Silva Castanheira
Keywords: portugues


Our work will reflect on critical pedagogy as a tool of resistance of educators against the attacks of regressive neoliberalism both in Brazil and in Argentina. Our reflections were provoked by the meetings provided by the discipline Advanced Topics in Education, Knowledge and Society in Latin America, offered within the scope of the Graduate Program Education Knowledge and Society (PPGEduCS), of the University of Vale do Sapucaí and by the experience as educators in the state public network of Minas Gerais. We will seek to reflect, in the light of the concepts and values of critical pedagogy, the role of Latin American educators in the resistance against the setbacks caused in public policies in education by the neoliberal and ultra-right reaction in Latin America, especially in Brazil and Argentina. To this end, through a bibliographic review, we will resume the propositions of critical pedagogy, its pedagogical and emancipatory assumptions in opposition to the educational policies (or the absence of these) of the ultra-right sectors in Brazil and Argentina. To achieve our objective, in addition to the bibliographic review, we will seek to make a brief overview of the challenges posed to public education by the proposals brought within the conservative wave that devastates hearts and minds in Latin America, using, as a common thread, some news about the educational context marked by the rise of neoliberal policies.


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How to Cite
Rodrigues, P. H., Pereira de Faria Nogueira, J., & Silva Castanheira, C. (2024). PEDAGOGIA CRÍTICA E A RESISTÊNCIA AO NEOLIBERALISMO REGRESSIVO NO BRASIL E ARGENTINA. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 22(22).