Policy and Translation

Curricular Practice in Pedagogical Support Rooms

  • Silva Rosa de Oliveira Secretaria Municipal de Educação de Cuioabá
Keywords: Policy; Translation; Curriculum; Cycles.


Abstract: This article takes an approach to educational policy organized by cycles, developed in state schools in the city of Cuiabá-MT. The objective is to understand which translations, recreations and resignifications of curricular policies are being constructed within schools through the practices of these teachers. The research methodology is qualitative and descriptive, with data being analyzed based on Stephen Ball's (1992) policy cycle approaches. The results obtained point to the need to recognize the translations that school professionals exert on the curriculum during the process of defining the cycle policy in the educational system of Mato Grosso.                 Keywords: Policy; Translation; Curriculum; Cycles.


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How to Cite
de Oliveira, S. R. (2024). Policy and Translation. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 21(21). https://doi.org/10.35501/dissol.v21i21.1228