relato de experiência com Projeto de Iniciação Científica na Educação Básica

  • Viviane dos Reis Soares Univás
Keywords: anti-racism, scientific initiation, basic  education.


Abstract: This report presents a narrative of the experience of anti-racist education work in schools carried out through a scientific initiation project. The research that gave rise to this report was conducted through the ICEB program (Scientific Initiation in Basic Education) developed by the State Department of Education of Minas Gerais. Its main objective was to retrieve the memories of older individuals in the community from the perspective of racism. Additionally, the aim was to promote a dialogue with the new generations in schools in the city of Oliveira, MG, based on the collected experiences. Through this dialogue, the goal was to stimulate greater openness in schools to address racism and enable youth to perceive themselves as important and necessary actors in the process of strengthening black identity and the anti-racist movement in society.   Keywords: anti-racism, scientific initiation, basic  education.  


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How to Cite
dos Reis Soares, V. (2024). ANTIRRACISMO NA EDUCAÇÃO: . Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 20(20).