• Maria Ariane Santos Amaro da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
  • Elizabeth Maria da Silva Universidade Federal de Campina Grande
Keywords: computer science, github, literacy practices


In this article, the objective is to identify literacy practices, involving writing, in the Computer Science course at a Brazilian federal university, from the perspective of the students of that course. To this end, it is based on literacy studies, particularly academic literacies, and on the concept of literacy practices. Methodologically, it is anchored in the interpretive paradigm, in the qualitative approach and in the ethnographic perspective. The corpus consists of transcription records of semi-structured interviews, carried out with students of the mentioned course, which integrate a database of a broader investigation. The analysis of the research participants' narratives about their academic routine shows two literacy practices resulting from the relationships established by them with the Github website, widely used in their area, namely: (1) Code sharing on Github and (2) Documentation of codes on Github. The identification of these literacy practices signals that, in the investigated course, there is a demand for a specific writing, situated, shared, collective and directed to the target audience.


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How to Cite
Santos Amaro da Silva, M. A., & da Silva, E. M. (2023). LITERACY PRACTICES IN A COURSE COMPUTER SCIENCE. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (16).