• Jaqueline Salviano de Sousa Universidade Federal do Piauí - UFPI


Discourse denotes an effect of meaning between the subjects of the interaction, according to the socio-historical and ideological context in which they are inserted. Discursive memory, a very relevant concept in Pecheut's Discourse Analysis, establishes the construction of meaning, enabling an interpretation based on discursive retakes. Memory leads the subject to understand certain statements. This importance of such theoretical presupposition led to the elaboration of the present work, aiming to analyze the discursive memory in the statements of the report entitled “A ilustration hitou”, by Revestrés magazine. As theoretical support for the analysis, this essay is based on the assumptions of Courtine (2009), Pêcheux (2015), Pierre Achard et al (1999), among others. Methodologically, the work is characterized by a qualitative approach, with interpretative and basic objectives. With regard to the corpus of the work, it can be said that it consists of a report from issue 45, of 2020. As a result, it is considered that the enunciating subject retrieves utterances previously said to support his discourse, making the readership of the Revestrés can understand the information exposed. For this, the enunciating subject resorts to discursive memory to establish an interpretation of the implicit utterances, resuming socially shared meanings, as well as paraphrases to emphasize certain discourses.


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How to Cite
Salviano de Sousa, J. (2022). THE DISCURSIVE MEMORY IN THE REPORT “A ILUSTRAÇÃO HITOU”, BY REVESTRÉS MAGAZINE. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (15).