• Gabriel Henrique Haddad Universidade de Franca
  • Maria Flávia Figueiredo Universidade de Franca


The present work aims to analyze the discourse of homeless people and to highlight the possible emotions (Aristotelian passions) that were aroused in these people so that they could be taken to the condition of social exclusion. Through the analysis, we sought to identify the rhetorical character in the speeches of these individuals, in addition to verifying how pathos can act in the sociological, psychological and legal construction of these citizens on the margins of society. In order to proceed with the analysis, semi-structured interviews were conducted with homeless people in the city of Franca, SP. For the research, with regard to rhetorical and argumentative studies, the following authors were considered to compose the theoretical framework: Aristotle (2012), Figueiredo (2018, 2019), Lima (2011), Mateus (2018), Perelman and Olbrechts-Tyteca (2005), Meyer (2000), Reboul (2004), Ferreira (2010), Figueiredo and Ferreira (2016), Abreu (2002) and Fiorin (2014). Concomitantly, with regard to the sociological and legal framework, the considered authors were: Foucault (1978) and Moraes (2010). In the second moment, of an empirical character, semi-structured interviews were the methodological instrument used to answer whether certain actions could be motivated by previous passions. Through the analysis, it was possible to identify certain emotions through the interviewees' speeches. With this result, we expected to contribute to the social studies of the subject in question, and with its application regarding the Human Rights and Fundamental Guarantees, based on the theories of Law, Sociology and Psychology, from the perspective of theory Rhetoric and its consequences.  


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How to Cite
Haddad, G. H., & Figueiredo, M. F. (2020). THE PATHWAYS TO PASSION IN THE SPEECH OF HOMELESS PEOPLE. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (10), 146-171.