• Fernando Miranda Arraz PUC MG
Keywords: slang; lexicon; teenagers; deprived of liberty.


ABSTRACT: This article presents one of the varieties present in the Portuguese lexicon, which is slang, spoken especially by teenagers and / or young people who are deprived of their freedom. Slang terms are considered hermetic, therefore difficult to be understood by those who are not part of the group, being really a form of protection and identification of members. The interest in this theme goes beyond making the language of those deprived of liberty known, but in treating slang as a creative and meaningful source on the part of its users. The study seeks from the beginning of an analysis carried out with a lexical corpus (words and expressions used by individuals in the condition of being guarded), to show how these adolescents create slang, without knowledge of linguistic resources. It is hoped that this research will facilitate the practice of several professionals who live with these adolescents, seeking a better understanding of the theme and allowing to guide future research, contributing as a versatile tool for the development of the verbal communication process. Keywords: slang; lexicon; adolescents; deprived of liberty.  


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How to Cite
Miranda Arraz, F. (2020). SOCIAL EDUCATIONAL SLIDES: LANGUAGE RESOURCE USED BY ADOLESCENT FOLLOWERS MEASURING SOCIAL EDUCATION. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (12), 29-40. Retrieved from