Digital platformization: a debate on neoliberalism and education in digital culture

um debate sobre neoliberalismo e educação na cultura digital

  • Edmara Barra dos Santos UNIVAS
  • Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni UNIVAS FDSM
  • Ricardo Magno dos Anjos UNIVAS


This essay problematizes the complex relationship between digital platforms and the neoliberal paradigm in the "digital culture" in education. After a historical distancing from the technological frenzy that dominated both business decisions and government policies, today the scientific community observes with more discernment the ambivalent nature of information technologies in education, which, while connecting people, also alienate them; facilitate access to information, but also to misinformation, fake news, and hate speech; structure pedagogical practices, but also produce attention dispersion. Through an analytical and technically structured literature review methodology, it is concluded that digital platforms in education are not just impartial and disinterested pedagogical tools, but learning environments that restructure a new concept of education, marked by the protagonism of neoliberal values. This cause a rupture, among other things, with the culture of education as emancipation and, precisely for this reason, need to be debated.

Author Biographies

Rafael Lazzarotto Simioni, UNIVAS FDSM
Pós-Doutor em Teoria e Filosofia do Direito pela Universidade de Coimbra, Doutor em Direito pela Unisinos, Mestre e bacharel em direito pela UCS. Professor do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Conhecimento e Sociedade (Mestrado e Doutorado) da Univás e Professor do PPGD/FDSM. E-mail: Link do lattes:
Ricardo Magno dos Anjos, UNIVAS
Doutorando do Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação, Conhecimento e Sociedade – PPGEduCS da Univás. E-mail: Link do lattes:


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How to Cite
Barra dos Santos, E., Lazzarotto Simioni, R., & Magno dos Anjos, R. (2024). Digital platformization: a debate on neoliberalism and education in digital culture. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 20(20).