• Albano Francisco Schmidt Bom Jesus / IELUSC
  • Daiani de Oliveira
Keywords: Education, legal education, Active methodologies


Changes in the future of legal professions impacted by technology and the heterogeneity of students graduating from the Law course require students to go beyond technical knowledge, require the development of multiple skills. However, research shows that students do not feel prepared to complete the Law Course. The answer to this situation may be related to the method applied. Based on this, this article brings the Role-Play method as a proposal for an educational strategy for quality legal education. This method differs from conventional approaches, since teaching is focused on the student, which assumes a character from a concrete situation brought by the teacher, who has the role of mediator. For the development of the simulation, it is necessary that each student in his role can apply his learning, develop his critical sense, because he will be acting in the role of a real life position. The present work aims to verify the effectiveness and applicability of the method by analyzing the largest worldwide event related to JESSUP. As for the methodology, the bibliographic method is used in the research, since the positions of the national doctrine on the subjects necessary to clarify the studied subject are collected. As for the expected results, it can be said that the present work has relevance not only academic, but practical, contributing to the improvement of brazilian legal education, for the benefit of the entire community. It concludes by the importance of a reevaluation of the traditional method used, aiming at a learning that corresponds to the student's aspirations, the job market is a higher quality legal education.


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How to Cite
Schmidt, A. F., & de Oliveira, D. (2024). A ROLE-PLAY IN THE CONTEXT OF LAW EDUCATION. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 18(18). https://doi.org/10.35501/dissol.v18i08.1113