uma análise discursiva

  • Geovane Aparecido Martins unemat
Keywords: paiting, naif, history, imaginary, mato grosso


Inserted in the theoretical perspective of French (PÊCHEUX) and Brazilian (ORLANDI) Discourse Analysis (AD), we propose to understand the effects of meanings produced and materialized in paintings on walls and canvases in/about Mato Grosso, these paintings, which for the most part, are configured as being naif art (free, naive). Such works are found mainly on the walls or viaducts of the cities of Cáceres-MT and Cuiabá-MT. The analysis material presents some regularities that point to the affirmation of a history/identity, visually projecting the significant singularities given while naturally from Mato Grosso, highlighting people, animals, nature, culture, as specific identifying elements of this region.


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How to Cite
Martins, G. A. (2023). O MATO GROSSO FIGURED IN PAINTINGS AND SCREENS: A DISCURSIVE ANALYSIS. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (16). https://doi.org/10.35501/dissol.vi16.1064