uma representatividade da identidade nordestina

  • Erika Vanessa Melo Barroso Universidade Estadual do Maranhão


The present work based on language studies using the analysis of the poetry of the writer Bráulio Bessa, proposes to demonstrate that the poems presented are relevant to the expressiveness of northeastern identity, because it presents examples of the culture of the region, transmitting the characteristic features of customs, cuisine and other regionalist expressions. For the accomplishment of this study, the foundation is within the field of Linguistics that deals scientifically with the studies of human language in a way that investigates the language in its various aspects based on the verification of any form of linguistic expression. As for the methodology used, it is bibliographic research in which will be analyzed the books "Poesia que Transforma" and "Um Carinho Na Alma" of Bráulio Bessa, where the writer deals with social issues in a poetic way and emphasizes in his poems the characteristics of the Northeastern people, such as customs, religion, family and other approaches that merge in his poetry making his work a tool of regional indentitarian manifestation , showing the characteristics that mark the social factors of the Northeast. The poems used for analysis that deal with the issues of interest of this study are fundamental for the direction of a more comprehensive look and for the understanding of northeastern identity, since working on this subject is to try to understand that the notion of identity is far beyond a definition of customs, because it is essential to be taken into account during studies, all factors that contribute to this construction of identification as Identity of the Northeast.


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How to Cite
Melo Barroso, E. V. (2023). A THE POETRY OF BRÁULIO BESSA: A REPRESENTATIVENESS OF NORTHEASTERN IDENTITY. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (17). https://doi.org/10.35501/dissol.vi17.985