Between books and other spaces: the constitution of multiple heterotopias by visual and sonorous imageries in The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

a constituição de múltiplas heterotopias pelas imagens visuais e sonoras em "Os fantásticos livros voadores do Sr. Morris Lessmore"

  • Íngrid Lívero Universidade Estadual de Maringá
Keywords: animation cinema, heterotopia, Foucault, imagery, imagery sound


The analytical course made here has as objective the treatment of the cinematographic space as a heterotopic space according to the characteristics discussed by Michel Foucault (2001), not only by its physical structure as a cinema effectively localizable that proposes other space outside the real time, but also by the microcosmos presented in the screen, which ones can constitute heterotopias and show different spaces in its plot. By the multiplicity of coexisting places in the short film taken to analysis, it is verified the power of visual and sonorous images in order to emerge significations and, once changed these images, the significations are also modified, at the same time producing subjectivations to which the spectators submit themselves. With the intertwining of these two natures of the cinema imagery, it is checked some attributions that Rancière (2009, 2012) directs to the image, specially the one in which the image is in the relation between the sayable and the visible and, artistically, it works in the (dis)similarities set, continually thinking the real to subject the ones who live in it to change, even in a fictionalized way or in a heterotopic space.


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How to Cite
Lívero, Íngrid. (2023). Between books and other spaces: the constitution of multiple heterotopias by visual and sonorous imageries in The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris Lessmore. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (17).