• Daniel Perico Graciano PPGL UFSCar


This article aims to expose different uses of the terms “communism” and “communist”, as enunciated by subjects crossed by discursive formations identified to the extreme right, in order to understand the resignifications that arise from such uses, from the theoretical and methodological postulates of Discourse Analysis, rhetoric and argumentation. For this, we start from the hypothesis that a sign is not a sign of something transcending itself, but of a process that involves a deterritorialization and a reterritorialization of subjects, practices and institutions. In such a way that the meaning changes from the circulation of terms in the public space, within a conjuncture and according to the power relations that constitute such a conjuncture and are constituted by it. Our corpus consists of excerpts, selected on the web because of the emblematic value of representations of value systems, which allow us to investigate the most current uses of terms within the aforementioned discursive formations.


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How to Cite
Perico Graciano, D. (2022). THE GHOST BECOMES FLESH. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, (15).