• Luiz Antonio Feliciano Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais
  • Julia Limongi Rodrigues Ferreira Seraphim Centro universitário Salesiano Unisal - Campus Lorena/Estudante
  • Andreia Gonçalves Feliciano Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais / Estudante
Keywords: youth, school, routinization, sociality, experience


Society is divided into groups with similar characteristics or tastes and lives in a postmodern era, in which archaisms are mixed with technological development. The current moment is called tribal, because individuals prefer to live the intensity of the moment rather than think about the future. Young people reflect this model because they go through a phase of instability. This text seeks to discuss these issues from an ethnographic research, which sought to observe the daily life of students of a regular high school and another vocational high school, both in the city of Lorena (SP). The objective was to problematize the thoughts of this youth group, based on the ways they act in the moments between classes. It was evident the routine of the young people of the school, as a ritual to be followed by all. Further research can provide other understandings about the young person. It is hoped that this work can foster new problematizations about youth and their school experiences.


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How to Cite
Feliciano, L. A., Seraphim, J. L. R. F., & Feliciano, A. G. (2024). YOUTH AND THEIR DAILY HABITS IN SCHOOL BREAKS. Revista DisSoL - Discurso, Sociedade E Linguagem, 18(18).