Tramas Discursivas que enredam o TDAH: uma contribuição para a educação contemporânea



Studying some theoretical assumptions of discourse analysis, in convergence with the theory of enunciation, raised important reflections about the possible contributions of these theories in the process of constitution and education of contemporary subjects. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to undertake a production about the discursive plots that entangle the subjects diagnosed with the Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity and Impulsivity Disorder (ADHD) making possible, from such discursive reflections, a contribution that may be relevant to understand such subjects in the contemporary school context. From the dialogue with renowned traditional and contemporary philosophers, with emphasis on the approaches of Byung-Chul Han, this production points out issues related to aspects of knowledge, as well as the social and pedagogical relationships that go through the diagnosed subject with ADHD, through analysis and reflection of some relevant aspects about the moment and the context that permeates it. In this sense, it is expected that the knowledge produced from this essay can contribute as an instrument of scientific relevance, expanding the theoretical references in the area, motivating new research on the subject, as well as instrumentalizing contributions and possibilities to (re) signify the subject diagnosed with ADHD in the unique and diverse context of the contemporary educational process. 


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How to Cite
FRANÇA MOTA, J. G. (2022). Tramas Discursivas que enredam o TDAH: uma contribuição para a educação contemporânea . Argumentos Pró-Educação, 7.