• Vanessa Maria de Souza Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá - Minas Gerais, Brasil
  • Alessandra Rodrigues Universidade Federal de Itajubá, Itajubá - Minas Gerais, Brasil


Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is an approach that works from the perspective of responsible citizenship, developing collaborative research between different sectors of society. Despite its educational potential, RRI is still little explored in research in this field of knowledge. In this context, this article discusses the results of a literature review that included two Brazilian and three international databases seeking studies in the field of education with a focus on RRI (19 researches). The results indicate a still incipient scenario, but favorable for the development of pedagogical practices from the perspective of RRI. The fundamental idea that guides all studies is the development of skills for teaching science that meets the needs of society and the necessary training of teachers to act in this perspective. The analyzes also indicate that the RRI axes are already being worked on in Brazil, but in an isolated way.


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How to Cite
Souza, V. M. de, & Rodrigues, A. (2022). RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL CONTEXT. Argumentos Pró-Educação, 7.